Custom Urns for Ashes

Do you have a loved one or friend that was a special one with a talent, or was one of those following his or her favorite team, or just a person who loved to go to a theme park, or enjoyed nature very much? People like that deserve a very special urn, that reflects who they were. Which is why we’re going to talk about ordering custom urns.

We often get calls from a family member letting us know that they need a custom urn for ashes. Requests like a unicorn urn or one that looks like a violin. So, custom urns for ashes is an offering that we carry, but we actually do not.

A brother called letting us know that his sibling loved to paint with pencil, he had a favorite painting and he wanted to know if we could place this painting in an urn, so that is when we have to design a custom urn. We asked him to send us a high resolution picture of the painting, we then printed that on a transparent canvas and glued to a pewter vase adult urn, and we had a beautiful custom urns for ashes.

Apart from giving you our choice of products available to work on your custom urns for ashes, we also like to answer specific questions or advise you about your special requirements.

This may be a custom made funeral urn, special engraving or decoration; we will do our very best to fulfill your wishes, we want you to have that special custom cremation urn.

We carry a wide variety of urns in different materials, shapes and sizes. We have wooden urns, marble urns, solid brass urns, synthetic material urns, etc., and most of the time we will guide you to choose an urn and we will work your project or your dream urn on it.

One of our clients called because her husband loved knights and she wanted to have a figurine on the urn with a nameplate engraved with the husband’s name and dates and a sentiment as a third line on the engraving. She wanted a special custom urn, and we started by trying to find the perfect figurine and we sent her pictures and dimensions, and after working for a couple of days, she decided for one of our wooden urns, we ordered the figurine and our craftsman worked on the urn and placed the figurine and the nameplate and it turned out to be exactly what she was hoping she would get for beloved husband.

We often get calls from people who would like an urn with a Disneyland character or an image of the favorite team, and some thing we cannot do because of the copyright that protect a lot of this emblems and characters, so we try to do our best to have them accept a close resemblance of the original one, or choose some other option that has no copyrights.

That is how at we deal with custom urns.

Click here to browse our large selection of cremation urns.

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